2018 International Conference on Smart Cities and Urban Design (SCUD 2018)
Apr. 21-22, 2018
2018 International Conference on Smart Cities and Urban Design (SCUD 2018) was held at Wuhan, China on Apr. 21-22, 2018. This Conference covers issues both theoretical and practical areas on smart cities and urban design, dedicated to providing a premier interdisciplinary platform, which bring together the leading academic scientists, researchers, practitioners, educator and research scholars to present and discuss the recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions to support smart cities and urban informatics adopted in the fields of system, networking and communication.

Dr. David Ing, Prof. Susu H. Nousala and Prof. Junfeng 'Jeff' Ding gave their Keynote Speeches about the thematic session - Systemic Processes.
Keynote title of Dr. David Ing’s speech: Innovation Learning for Sustainability: What is smarter for urban systems? Sustainability has been generally recognized since the Brundtland Commission in the 1980s. Circa 2005, the nature of innovation for the 21st century was seen as changing to become "open, collaborative, multidisciplinary and global". Smarter cities respond to the previously unobservable becoming observable, with the world becoming "instrumented, interconnected and intelligent". For urban systems, sustainability can be portrayed as an "innovation". In which ways should Innovation Learning be approached as a normative challenge in smart cities? In unobservable, unconnected and dumb (unresponsive) cities, the infrastructure is static and fixed, so that the onus is all on people to adjust their behaviours. In a paradigm of co-responsive movement, a smart city would not only adapt to people, but would also learn for future concordances. Innovation learning is proposed with three theories: (i) enskilling attentionality (rather than deskilling through automation); (ii) weaving flows and transforming materials in form-giving; and (iii) agencing strands as (life)lines alongside each other. These theories are proposed as useful in situations or circumstances under which understanding and prediction is difficult, e.g. the rise of Internet-of-Things devices in urban systems, or the embedding of artificial intelligence software in augmenting and/or automating human capabilities. The theories were developed in a 2018 book, "Open Innovation Learning: Theory building on open sourcing while private sourcing".

Keynote title of Prof. Susu H. Nousala’s speech: Creative Systemic Processes, Sustainable approaches and the Bottom Up: a practice based learning platform Navigating more effectively through the complexities of urban structures of the 21st Century, will require some different approaches, including mind sets. Using the idea of focusing on relationships between intangible structures and the physical as a “starting point”, this work proposes to discuss the approach and methodologies that were needed to set up the way forward for scoping, exploring and learning required to understand the nexus, of processes creative and otherwise, sustainable structures and why bottom up is as necessary as it’s more obvious counterpart of top down. This work is still in progress but attempts to highlight the current lessons learnt and the impact of the creative process via means other than the usual published print/text formats, which dominate current avenues of intellectual discourse. This work discusses what is needed for the process and tracking relationships and datafication to highlight already existing communities of interest. These steps viewed as important for growing the next steps of developing the dynamic relationships needed for founding a community of practice, key to robust, sustainable urban life. Initial discussions will begin with focal points that produce better understanding between: the history of experience, context, the top down and bottom up effects and the design of dynamic process methods involved.

Keynote title of Prof. Junfeng 'Jeff' Ding’s speech: Fablab, the Distributed Learning System: A New Sustainable Educational Approach. During last 30 years, China has experienced extensive economic reform and progress, becoming a major manufacturing base for almost anything designed by advanced countries and regions like US and European Union. Our urban environments, in particular, cities are reproducing and consuming at an unsustainable rate. The consequence of this unsustainable consumption, has arguably led to serious environmental concerns, from climate change to severe air pollution and traffic jams etc. Finding new ways to view and/or clarify the production/consumption for building future directions as discussed by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters (2018), can be helpful. Thiel and Masters describe the initial stage of building new future directions as a “1” to “N” procedure. So as China moves towards the “second stage” of the “extensive to intensive”, the focus is on investigating the new technologies driven by creation and innovation. Following Thiel and Master’s thinking, the second stage is the process from “0” to “1”. Whilst production and consumption are moving to the second stage, so to is urban development. This can be considered a paradigm shift from shaping the physical cities (atoms) towards developing contents based solutions. virtual information (bits) transmitted through the distributed physical spaces, constructing rapid and sustainable “sharing” economy. After visiting makers in early 2015, China Prime Minister, Li Keqiang announced a new national initiative called “mass maker-space” 众创空间This was followed by a series of policies entitled 大众创业 and 万众创新, which translates loosely into mass innovation and mass entrepreneurship. The Central Government realizes that “bottom-up” and “grass-roots”, with open source hardware and DIY, is a new path for the future and the next generation of economic reform. Existing systems, bottom up grass roots invention, globalization and local culture are converging to forming the latest cutting edge topic in China – the “Internet +”. After the release of these new initiative, funds have been pull from central government to support the maker spaces and incubator around the country; with the result of many more incubators and maker space emerging. In 2018, the social innovation has been extended to educational fields, notably, STEAM, “Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics”. In short, this new educational direction is being widely discussed in many circles throughout society. The aim in the future is to develop the dynamic system that will release students from examination based pathways towards multiply-ways of “learning by doing” and/or “project based learning” formats. The terms bottom up, STEAM education,
PoP UP field work all have something in common, they all are part of and contribute to a multidisciplinary approach for developing and delivering through learning systems. Learning systems have become critical for understanding the way we are, how we are living and existing in our cities. This also includes the relationships that link us between the urban and rural environments. Todate, learning experiences have reflected traditional structures, that have dominated our lives during the 20th century, imposing predominantly top down approaches. New forms of thinking, like social innovation, also require newer approaches to learning, understanding, development and creating that reflect emergent bottom up experiences. Reflection and the ability to do so is critical for all cyclical processes (including less likely activities such as rapid prototyping) which are fundamental for building understanding (the thinking) and the capability (the practice) to transform the long standing top down approaches we now find ourselves struggling with. Fablab in its current form is the place where everyone can realize many ideas by using various digital tools. Information (Bits) are flying in and out the physical labs (Atoms). With the aid of machines like 3d printers it is possible to transfer the bits into atoms, while 3d scanner does the opposite: transforming the atoms into bits. Offline knowledge exchange and sharing within communities will be extended to outer world through online platforms. It is now possible for colleges, high schools, middle schools and primary schools to be all linked together through a distributed learning system. This type of approach is challenging the current learning by impacting the future education ere through “internet+” and “artificial intelligent”.