Yiheng Cheng
Graduated from Taipei Institute of Technology (TIT), and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as Dr.-Ing. of Chemical Engineering,Yi-Heng Cheng worked in BASF Group Companies in Ludwigshafen, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai. He was last in charge of implementation of Responsible Care Program and Sustainable Development for BASF in Asia Pacific, before moved to CEO of Knauf Asia. He was chairman of chemical associations in Singapore (SCIC), Co-chair of Plasticizer Workgroup of Association of International Chemical Manufacturers in Hong Kong (AICM), chairman of Emergency Response Workgroup of Foreign Investors in Caojing Chemical Park.
He is now Chief Operating Officer of CBI Investment Management Ltd. (HK) on clean coal technology. Besides, he is also an advisor to Blue Sign, a specialist advisor to Chemical Industry Promotion Unit of Chinese National Productivity Center, a member of International Factor 10 Club, Asia Deputy Director of International Ecological Development Union (EDUI), and a member of the Club of Rome.
He has translated “Nutzen wir die Erde richtig?” from Schmidt-Bleek ( 2009) , “Faktor 5” from Ernst von Weizsaecker (2010), as well as “Blue Economy” from Gunter Pauli (2012), currently is translating and preparing the publication of the upcoming book “Come On” edited by Club of Rome (2018, in preparation). He is also an adjunct professor at College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University since 2014, and founded “econoVation lab”, to implement best practices via symbiotic thinking, coach students to become (social) entrepreneurs, apply industry 4.0 in industries cluster, and conduct social innovations catering for urbanization